Moonsama recently announced that it has successfully integrated SocialKYC by KILT Protocol, which will allow users to log into their multiverse bridge using a decentralised Web3 identity. This was reportedly done in a bid to eliminate the need for traditional Web2 usernames and passwords and was achieved via the help of KILT’s Sporran wallet and SocialKYC credentials. This partnership opens up a world of endless possibilities for combining decentralized identifiers and metaverses, including age-restricted content, gaming achievements, reputation systems, on-chain social profiles and so much more.

Why Is This Important?

Every day we hear about decentralisation and online anonymity, and every other day a new web3 project springs up. Still, then we keep getting required to pass centralised KYC/AML measures, essentially surrendering our identity and other associated data in order to access these products and services. This is a contradiction in itself because web3 is supposed to bring a decentralised economy and anonymous user experiences.

Everyone thinks web3 will simply “happen”, and we will eventually find ourselves in the era of a decentralised internet. While this is a nice thought,  the reality remains that every one of us would have to play a part in the realization of a safe and fully decentralized online experience. Perhaps even more so are the companies and projects that are already existing today, who have to make the conscious choice to choose a decentralized product, service or gateway, as opposed to an existing (perhaps more convenient centralized alternative). Of course, it’s not an easy choice, as most of the web3 service providers are still new, or still in development, but these changes can be as simple as choosing subsocial over medium, favouring DEXs over KYC-ridden centralised exchanges, and in the case of Moonsama, using a decentralised identity system instead of collecting and storing usernames and passwords in a centralized directory.


Kilt protocol is a blockchain identity protocol for issuing self-sovereign, anonymous, verifiable credentials and decentralized identifiers. There are various products built on Kilt including SocialKYC, Sporran Wallet, Stakeboard, Didisign, and Web3name.

SocialKYC is an identity attestation service for regaining control over your digital identity that is built on Kilt protocol, allowing users to create decentralized social credentials. Users also decide who has access to their data and only the validity of the credentials is anchored on the blockchain.

SocialKYC does not store, share or sell any of the data it captures. The service forgets about the details immediately after attesting the identity.


Moonsama is a Leading NFT project within the Polkadot ecosystem, with the first Nft marketplace on moonriver and a metaverse in production.  The Moonsama team is also currently building a Multiverse Bridge that aims at becoming the go-to solution for any project or team of developers aiming to connect their games and applications with assets on Moonriver, and in the future, a larger suite of chains.




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