Manta network has as of the 18th of July 2022 submitted a Polkadot treasury proposal to develop OpenZL, a substrate library aimed at making it easy for developers to write and deploy Zero Knowledge proof codes

About OpenZL – The potential use-cases

OpenZL is a common good open source library that will enable Substrate developers in writing and deploying zero-knowledge proof code.

The  zero-knowledge proof code works with the following properties:

Completeness: here an honest prover convinces the verifier about any statement he/she knows.

Soundness: This means a computationally bounded prover cannot forfeit a proof that can convince an honest verifier.

Zero-Knowledge: This implies that the proof doesn’t leak any information other than the proof itself.

Succinctness: The proof size is constant or logarithmic compared with the circuit size (ie. the amount of computation) of the statement.

The potential applications of OpenZL will include leveraging it to

  • Make KYC/ AML processes more decentralized by DID projects such as KILT.
  • Make cross-chain bridging become high-performance and trustless.
  • Build ZK Roll-ups by projects such as Astar
  • Build MACI for governance by DAO tooling projects.

About Manta Network

Manta is a universal private blockchain platform which is building a scalable, composable, and private network .

Manta’s zero-knowledge cryptography allows developers to build DApps with end-to-end privacy guarantees, which are auditable ,interoperable, user friendly and high-performance.

Manta privacy can be deployed to work in DeFi, NFTs, Game-fi, DAOs, and various other blockchain applications.

Manta operates on two networks namely;

  • Calamari network which is Manta’s canary network running on Kusama.
  • Manta network which is Manta’s potential Polkadot Parachain.

for more about Manta Networks click here


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