Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended circumstances and failing to achieve anything useful

Margaret J. Wheatley

You wouldn’t fully realise the weight that quote carries until you are one of the lucky winners of Acala’s Amsterdam Hackathon recently published and you missed the news. Or you happen to be a keen Rust developer that is dying to attend this year’s rustconf but actually didn’t know it’s this friday. 

Well, that’s just a piece of what you might actually have missed as things get buried in a sea of information, a life-changing roll-of-dice announcements and happenings within the Dotsama ecosystem. So buckle up because here we are again with the main stories we reported last week and more.


  • GenshiroDefi finally decided to withdraw their Kusama treasury proposal initially aimed to provide liquidity funding for the project’s money market and DEX. Alex Melikhov, CEO at EquilibriumDefi and Inspirer at GenshiroDefi announced this on Thursday 28th in a tweet, calling on the community to vote against the referedum while the team pulled back to address the issues pointed out during the discussion phase of the referendum.

As stated in the ecosystem’s Standard Guidelines to judge Liquidity Treasury Proposals on the governance side, the community holds the final say on all liquidity funding proposals via referenda queue. 

This announcement came days after some community members raised concerns regarding the proposal and the overall GenshiroDeFi which later spiralled into heated discussions in the Kusama directions room on matrix. Check out the discussions on its polkassembly page here

  • Heiko finance further extended its stay on the ecosystem for the next 48 weeks after winning the 45th parachain slot on Kusama. Heiko finance can now continue its journey on delivering their DeFi super DApp protocol which include Liquid staking, AMM, decentralized money market, etc. To learn more on the promised reward returns for their crowdloan contributors, read the full news here.

Programs and Events

Events interlude
  • Icetea Labs announced the registration period for their accelerator program. The program is geared towards providing startups with the opportunity of presenting to over 50 global investors, mentors, experts, and strategic partners at ‘Showcase day’. Consider checking up the full news


  • Ruby nodes can now be deployed via Onfinality, the blockchain’s leading infrastructure provider. To catch up on the benefits of this partnership to the ecosystem, read the full news here.
  • When speaking of DeFi, what could be better than an apt platform that provides stable liquidity swap and equitable lending opportunities? Algem achieves this through its partnership with Starlay Finance and Kagla Finance. Details here


Nova wallet; the feature-rich Polkadot wallet for mobile users introduced more functionality for the community. These include: 

  • Addition of cross-chain transfers and watch-only wallet. What does that mean? Find out here
  • Basilik snek swap is now featured under the wallet’s Dapp section. Details here


Darwinia network announced the launch of its Darwinia smart chain, a new cross-chain messaging feature. Read what it comprises here

There you have it, now this week’s view will be even clearer. And yeah we are social, so follow us on our Twitter, Telegram and Youtube channels.


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