Welcome to the Subdaily DotSama weekly recap, where we bring you the major ecosystem stories of the preceding week.


  • Basilisk, the canary cousin of HydraDX won another parachain slot, slot 48, after its leased period expired on 7th of August. Now basilisk has the ample opportunity to continue its community-driven initiatives with NFT marketplace being next on its roadmap. Check out the full news here
  • The Wagmedia bounty top up proposal of 25,000KSM has faced significant scrutiny from not only the members of the council but also the community in general. Since December, 2021, Wagmedia has created a robust community of incentivized content creators backed by multiple treasuries in the ecosystem. Check out the Kusama direction channel or Polkassembly to follow up with the discussion


  • DESports partners with Red Kite, Polkafoundry‘s launchpad and DeFi platform. DESports can utilize Red Kite’s extensive network while the latter gets the chance to enter the potential booming market of gaming where they can play games, compete in tournaments, trade valuable NFTs, get attractive rewards, and more. Partnership details here
  • The digital assets platform, Bitgo now supports Polkadot. Bitgo specializes in institutional digital asset custody, trading, and finance. Details of the partnership here
  • Stella swap integrates Acala’s multi-collateral stable coin, aUSD. Stella swap is the leading Moonbeam decentralised exchange that brings to users the option of an integrated gateway into the world of Defi. Full news here

Other ecosystem stories

On the 11th of August, we brought you the exciting news of Interlay’s launch of iBTC bridge and mentioned how Acala and Moonbeam will be the first to pilot its usecase. Well, the unfortunate happened as Acala launched the iBTC/aUSD liquidity pool with a misconfiguration that resulted in erroneous minting of 1.288B aUSD. The incident was noticed around 23:40 UTC on 13th August, approximately an hour after launching the liquidity pool. 

After stopping the mint, an urgent governance proposal was passed to activate the on-chain defence mechanism, an algorithm that pauses certain transactions without halting the entire chain in case such incidents happen. The domains paused include honzon protocol, xtoken (xcm transfer out), EVM, non-ACA token transfer, oracle pallet, and LDOT instant redeem. 

According to Acala on-chain incident report on 15th, 16 addresses were identified to contain the erroneous aUSD amounting to 1,288,561,129 aUSD while 4,299,119 aUSD remain in the pool unclaimed. Of this amount, 99% remain on the Acala parachain with a small amount transferred out. 

Acala calls on the holders of any of the erroneously minted aUSD or ACA obtained from swapping them to please transfer to the following accounts:

On Polkadot: 13YMK2eYoAvStnzReuxBjMrAvPXmmdsURwZvc62PrdXimbNy

On Moonbeam: 0x7369626cd0070000000000000000000000000000

For ACA: 23M5ttkmR6KcoTAAE6gcmibnKFtVaTP5yxnY8HF1BmrJ2A1i

On the other hand, Interlay announced in a tweet that as far as their current investigation shows, the Interlay parachain is not directly affected. They mentioned that the current suspicion is the incentives pallet was paying too many aUSD rewards. However, together with their community, they are carrying out on-chain data analysis to track transactions and see if any of the “damage” swept over to Interlay and promise to continue sharing updates as things develop.

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