Author: Kabiru Hussaini

Polkadot and its users can now have unlimited access to DeFi services offered by BitGo, a global digital asset platform. BitGo has given DOT holders and other individuals from the Dotsama ecosystem an opportunity to utilize hot wallets for sending and receiving crypto assets, facilitating all transactions in a highly secured environment in addition to full custody of digital assets to all individuals. Benefits of this innovtion With the launch of Polkadot’s support, BitGo has opened a ton of opportunities for over 700 institutional clients from its Network to have access to Polkadot and its existing parachains. BitGo is one…

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RedKite, a next-generation launchpad has formed a successful partnership with DESport, a new innovative decentralized eSports platform that accommodates both traditional and NFT game enthusiasts. This partnership will facilitate ecosystem growth to both projects coupled with new innovative gaming features for game enthusiasts in traditional and esport settings. DESport captures the needs and provides solutions to both traditional and esport gaming sectors, by leveraging blockchain technology and the power of decentralization to provide an environment where individual users can come together to play their favorite games and earn NFTs plus other privileges like participating in DAO governance in a transparent…

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Moonbeam Network, a specialized cross-chain connected application Parachain on Polkadot has unveiled new functionality on its network, that can upgrade and improved the existing cross-chain messaging element within the Dotsama ecosystem. The Network’s latest upgrade runtime 1701 will provide continuous access for EVM to leverage the network through XCM on Moonbeam Alpha Testnet, with a plan of adopting this new technology on Moonriver and Moonbeam. Cross-consensus messaging formats (XCM) is the architectural element that serves as the means for communicating aacross the consensus system on Polkadot Blockchain. This cross-consensus messaging has extended to existing parachains on the ecosystem including Moonbeam.…

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Astar Network, a parachain on Polkadot that supports the building of decentralized applications by developers has formed a new strategic partnership with Alchemy Platform. This is in line to further enhance support for Web3 smart contracts developers to build applications seamlessly on its network, while making available advanced and easy-to-use tools that will scale the problems they experience while building. This opportunity extends to all EVM-compatible Solidity Devs, WASM and Non- EVM chain devs to expand beyond their domain, leveraging other layers for building or transferring their smart contracts. Alchemy will provide the necessary infrastructure and web3 API with multiple…

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Moonbeam Network together with Axelar Network is welcoming everyone to join them in an upcoming workshop that will take place on Monday, 8th August 2022 in Toronto. The workshop organized by Moonbeam and Axalar will take place during the upcoming ETH Toronto Hackathon, a special and so far, thelargest Blockchain conference in Canada organized by Blockchain Futurist Conference. Moonbeam has been reaching out to different global communities, teaching and organizing workshops for developers of different chains in their quest to provide web3 user experience via cross-chain communication and interoperability. Moonbeam’s recent Workshop was during the ParisDotComm conference that took place…

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StellaSwap, the largest and leading DEX on moonbeam Network has been exposing its users to mind-blowing features on its network, forming strategic partnerships with top projects and platforms making interoperability and cross-chain messaging possible. StellaSwap partnership with Axelar Network is a strategic partnership that will facilitate the adoption of cross-chain applications on Moonbeam Network. It will increase the capability of existing cross-chain connected contracts and cross-chain infrastructure making all users connect with other Blockchains with ease. Axelar Network will provide solutions to the flaws affecting most blockchains via cross-chain communication by making it easier for every smart contract developer to build…

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The 21st Parachain slot winner on the Polkadot (Darwinia Network) has announced the invention of a new cross-chain messaging feature on its network called the Darwinian Smart chain. It is an EVM-compatible protocol that allows Solidity developers to transfer existing Ethereum-based smart contracts or build new cross-chain Dapps on it. To strengthen interoperability and communication between different blockchains and Polkadot Parachains, Darwinia Network has formed a successful bridge, the Darwinia’s light-client cross-chain messaging protocol(LCMP), that enables on-chain, parachains, and cross-chain massaging. This will incite the building of a Hybrid cross-chain network on the Dotsama ecosystem. Three types of chains on Darwinia Network …

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ParisDotComm will be holding a conference and workshop. This is one of the leading events on the Dotsama ecosystem organized by some leading projects on Polkadot and Kusama. Here, you’ll get the summary of the 3 days event that took place from 19th-21st of July 2022 in Paris, France. It was an awesome event with different individuals from projects built on Polkadot and Kusama, including those from Parity and web3 foundations. A lot of things were discussed from individual projects ranging from innovations, build-in solutions, power of decentralization on Dotsama and Web3, and why Polkadot and substrate. There were a…

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Leonicorn swap has integrated and launched its DEX aggregator on Astar Network, a multi-chain innovative platform on the Polkadot ecosystem. This will provide a gateway to unlimited liquidity and better trading experiences for all trading pairs on Astar and the Dotsama ecosystem.  A few weeks ago, Leonicorn announced the integration of other projects (BitTorrent and Harmony Protocol ) into its DEX aggregators. The integration will enable traders to trade all Dex and protocol tokens on its swap at the best rates.‬ We have seen how different chains are onboarding into Astar Network from their recent announcement of summer Round 2.…

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Moonbeam Network has incorporated Laika Labs with Faucets for Moonbase Alpha tokens. Laika Faucets will enable developers to request Testnet tokens for building and testing their Dapps and Smart contracts on the Laika app. This feature will reduce multiple tabs and is hassle-free. Recall that last month, Laika’s announced a new feature where developers can request Testnet tokens to build the web3 Dapps. This new feature was brought by Moonbeam to Laika’s lab and will hasten the onboarding of new developers. About Laika Labs Laika Labs is a web3-based project that helps Developers make a request for building smart contracts.…

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