Altair has won the coveted slot auction on Kusama to secure a Parachain slot on the Kusama network

Altair has been operating as a parathread for the 23-30 lease period ,and this slot now secures it’s continuity till July 2023.

Winning this Parachain slot means Altair can now focus on building and improving the cutting edge technology development for the experimental test net for Centrifuge as the real world asset(RWA) financing playground for the Kusama ecosystem.

Also Altair will go ahead with working on “connectors” which is a hybrid crosschain solution that will be launching in partnership with AVA labs, moonbeam and NOMAD, To bring real world assets on chain.

About Altair

Altair combines the industry leading infrastructure built by centrifuge to finance real world assets on centrifuge chain. It is built using Substrate and is an experimental network for users who want to test the boundaries of asset financing.

Altair enables users to tokenize experimental assets(such as NFTs and other digital arts) and finance them, while also aiming to increase liquidity in DeFi by leveraging interoperability and bridging Kusama, Polkadot and Ethereum ecosystems to allow easy access of access to financing wherever available.

It also aims to connect to more projects across these ecosystems to chains protocols and Dapps thereby helping to create an enormous financing pool.


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