Integritee has emerged the winner of Polkadot’s  24th parachain slot after managing to accumulate 108,160 $DOT ($904 221). 

Parachain auctions are auctions that are held on the Polkadot or Kusama relay chain to determine which blockchain will connect to the parachain slot. Once auction begins, then every project on the network is free to submit their bid to the relay chain. 

This Victory for Integritee network will allow it to access the robust security and blockchain infrastructure of the Polkadot chain.

About Integritee Network.

Integritee is the most scalable public blockchain solution for securely processing sensitive business or personal data. It allows users to harness the speed and confidentiality of trusted execution environments, combined with the trust of a decentralized network.

Integritee enables firms and developers to build broader, fairer, and more secure data platforms. More on that here

Integritee currently has an ambassador program and is recruiting business developers, community developers, technical writers and content creators. Join the train here




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