The 21st Parachain slot winner on the Polkadot (Darwinia Network) has announced the invention of a new cross-chain messaging feature on its network called the Darwinian Smart chain.

It is an EVM-compatible protocol that allows Solidity developers to transfer existing Ethereum-based smart contracts or build new cross-chain Dapps on it. To strengthen interoperability and communication between different blockchains and Polkadot Parachains, Darwinia Network has formed a successful bridge, the Darwinia’s light-client cross-chain messaging protocol(LCMP), that enables on-chain, parachains, and cross-chain massaging. This will incite the building of a Hybrid cross-chain network on the Dotsama ecosystem.

Three types of chains on Darwinia Network 

1- Darwinia Chain(DC) Which is the primary chain for tokens and governance and serves as the LCMP communication point on the protocol 

2-Darwinia Smart Chain(DSC) is hosted in DC. It’s an Ethereum Virtual Machine(EVM) compatible smart contract protocol for developers to build cross-chain Dapps or migrate existing smart contracts from the Ethereum network into Darwinia network

3-Darwinia Parachain(DP) will utilize the inbuilt security features on Polkadot via the Relay Chain, also interoperable between other Parachains

A few days ago Darwinia announced their 1230 Runtime upgrade for improved performance and efficiency on the Network. They were once awarded a layer 2 badge by parity and are also grants beneficiaries from the Web3 foundation. 

The Dotsama Ecosystem (with all its existing and upcoming parachains) has been at the forefront in providing everlasting solutions on web3 and adopting decentralization via scalability, interconnecting different Blockchains to communicate with each other in a secure and trustless environment. 

About Darwinia Network

Darwinia Network is a parachain slot winner and a next-generation universal cross-chain message network that provides Web3 and Dapps developers with a Software Development Kit that will enable them to build, migrate and integrate cross-chain capabilities into their Dapps. 

Darwinia Network has established the most secured universal bridging solution between all layers of blockchains (L0, L1, L2) on Polkadot. It aims to establish a central hub for developers to launch cross-chain Dapps, serve as NFTs Marketplaces, and launch DEXs and DAOs. For more information click here.

Community NFT rewards

Darwinia Network has an ongoing OAT campaign that can enable new users to participate and earn rewards and NFTs as celebration rewards for winning a parachain slot on Polkadot.





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