ParisDotComm will be holding a conference and workshop. This is one of the leading events on the Dotsama ecosystem organized by some leading projects on Polkadot and Kusama.

Here, you’ll get the summary of the 3 days event that took place from 19th-21st of July 2022 in Paris, France.

It was an awesome event with different individuals from projects built on Polkadot and Kusama, including those from Parity and web3 foundations. A lot of things were discussed from individual projects ranging from innovations, build-in solutions, power of decentralization on Dotsama and Web3, and why Polkadot and substrate. There were a series of panel discussions with questions and answers sessions featuring important aspects of the Ecosystem and how to scale Polkadot education. A series of workshops were held on the 2nd and 3rd day of the event on projects such as RMRK, Moonbeam, Astar, and KILT Protocol.

Web3 and  Decentralization perspective from ParisDotComm conference and workshops

The Web3 Summit has brought so much innovation into centralized infrastructure and applications, thereby turning them into decentralized, trust-free protocols. The goal is to transform the internet into a decentralized web, where users have control of their data in a trust-free environment.

Gautam Dhameja, Lead Director of Solutions Delivery at Parity Tech talks greatly about how innovative it is to build with substrate-based Blockchains like Polkadot. He talks about how substrate-based blockchain improves efficiency and large-scale decentralized solutions that make it possible for inbuilt data to be upgraded without requiring forks.

Substrate is a next-generation innovative blockchain framework that overcomes the limitations of most existing and previous networks. It is an open-source Parachain Development Kit (PDK) that allows developers to build specific customizable, secured, and interoperable Blockchains that allow for forkless upgrades.

Polkadot is a layer zero Blockchain that was built with Substrate, a rust-based framework that permits forkless upgrades. For more resources to understand rust techniques read on:

Hoon Kim, CTO of  Astar Network, dives into governance and decentralization in Web3.

He defined decentralization in his speech as the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision making, are distributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative location or group.

He gave a brief history of how the french revolution began with a push toward decentralization. He talked about the benefits of decentralization and how it could revolutionize the Internet. For more from his speech on decentralization and the history of communication, you can watch it here.

Matjaz Sobocan, CEO and Co-Founder of Authtrail discussed how to manage services for Web3 builders and scale the challenges of mainstream adoption by onboarding Web2 developers to start building on Web3. Web3 can only grow by having more builders and developers build more on it, thereby giving the power of decentralization for every user to control his data. This can be done by targeting other Web2 developers out there to start building every possible idea they have into Web3. 

Authtrail is a unified gateway to Polkadot’s technology stack, offering the right infrastructures and necessary tools for developers to start building on Web3. As a unified gateway to Web, Authtrail will condense some key functionalities of the Parachain verticals, thereby offering managed services in the form of APIs and SDK. This will make it possible for builders to start building customizable, Web 3-based solutions with ease.  Consequently, the building of Web3 apps will become faster, more effective, and more flexible. For more from Matjaz Sobocan’s talks, you can click here.

Radha Dasari, Lead of Technical education at Web3Foundation,  spoke about Light clients for unstoppable Apps. Polkadot is a hub for decentralization. Eliminating middlemen and third parties are one of its key features. The light client is associated with the software that can run on resource-constrained environments such as browsers that can interact with the blockchain through fully synchronized (RPC) nodes.

You can watch his speech here, to understand what it takes to build unstoppable apps by leveraging the Blockchain and Substrate.

A lot was discussed on Web3 and decentralization by different speakers of various projects in addition to the ones mentioned above.  For more information on Web3 and decentralization, GamiFi, NFTs, Defi, Metaverse, Substrate, parachain, and much more, you can watch all the events videos on and


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